Don't Miss the Beaujolais Nouveau
Posted by perle0 on 2005-11-16 17:23:51
[News] [Beaujolais] |
Don't miss your chance to celebrate the annual release of this year's Beaujolais Nouveau, scheduled for the third Thursday of November (Nov. 17, 2005). Generally the first wine released after harvest in France, Beaujolais gives people all over the world an excuse (as if we needed one) to drink wine. |
Word is that this year's crop is one of the best vintages in decades, with producers proclaiming that it has "notes of wild blackberry, cranberry and blackcurrant, with hints of cherry and raspberry and spicier flavours not unlike liquorice."
In the U.S, the release of the Nouveau comes just in time to enjoy a bottle with Thanksgiving dinner, with which it happens to go rather well. Some wine afficianados look down on Beaujolais, especially the Nouveau, because it's a light and fruity wine not meant for long aging. (All the more excuse to drink it now.) But sometimes, a light and fruity red wine is what you want, especially with turkey.
Made from the Gamay grape, some "regular" Beaujolais from quality vintners can benefit from a bit of aging, but the Nouveau is made to be drunk soon. When it sells out, no more is available until next year's batch, which gives you next year's excuse to mark your calendar for wine. | More about this year's Beaujolais celebration. | |