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Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
2001 La Rame St. Croix du Mont Reserve du Chateau[Sauternes]
Posted by perle0 on 2005-05-25 00:59:41 [Show TN in Text Format]
Chateau/Producer:La Rame
Wine Name:St. Croix du Mont Reserve du Chateau
AOC:Ste. Croix-du-Mont
Region:Ste. Croix-du-Mont
Wine Score:87
Notes:This is a pleasant little dessert wine from Bordeaux, not technically a Sauternes but basically the same, at a much lower price. It had an interesting tart nose, like lime zest; the color was pale gold. It's not too sweet, but pleasant, with a hint of bitterness reflecting the nose. The acidity levels were well-balanced with the light sweetness. It had a nice long finish. There's a lot going on in this wine. I prefer something sweeter personally, but I can see the attraction, especially at a reasonable price.
Tasting Date:2005-05-25
Additional Notes:Paired with Pont l'Eveque cheese.
Price US$:18.99

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