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Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
Duplin Black River Red[North Carolina]
Posted by WNCman on 2009-04-25 16:55:13 [Show TN in Text Format]
Wine Name:Black River Red
Country:United States
Region:Eastern, N.C.
Wine Score:85
Notes:A sweet wine that blends Muscadine and Catawba grapes. The color is of dark rose. I am not knowledgable about wines overall. The taste is sweet,but not to sweet. It can be sipped alone without any problem. I would suggest that on varieties of wine on this site that Muscadine and Scuppernong be added. These grapes grow only in a limited area,but to me produce a delious sipping wine.
Tasting Date:2009-04-25
Production Notes:No further information that I know.
Additional Notes:Duplin Wine Cellars is located in Duplin County, N.C. I often eat sharp chedar cheese with this wine. Also, chicken would go well with the wine. I think this wine is great by itself. Or, I do not see any reason that this wine would not complement any type of food.
Source:Lowe's Food 800-774-9634

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