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PATH: Australia

Does Red Wine Have to Equal Stained Teeth?

Posted by GraysOnline on 2012-06-30 18:03:31 (17122 views)

Whether you're attending a wine-tasting event, or enjoying a glass of wine with friends, you don't want to spoil your fun worrying about wine stains on your teeth. If you're planning to partake of red wine over the course of the day or evening, there are some simple precautions you can take to avoid embarrassing stains to your teeth. Here are some tricks to make sure your smile stays brilliant:


Slimy Wet Dresses Made from Wine? Magnifique!

Posted by perle0 on 2007-03-19 14:30:22 (9542 views)

Yes, in case you were wondering when the armageddon would hit, here's a sign that it will soon arrive: seamless dresses created by fermenting wine. The only drawback: for now, you have to keep these garments wet, or they'll tear. That, and they look like they're made from exactly what they're made from: a bacteria-created film found collecting at the top of wine vats.


Australian Army Spends 100K on Glassware

Posted by perle0 on 2005-07-18 10:56:16 (4876 views)

As hundreds of Australian troops wait to be sent to Afghanistan, the army's top brass is preparing to spend up to $100,000 on champagne flutes, wine glasses, and brandy balloons.

The shopping spree comes after the Defence Department identified a critical shortage of wine and beer glasses, pitchers and carafes in the officers' mess.

At the top of the list is 2405 champagne flutes and 3710 wine glasses. Defence records show the department is also seeking a supplier of 105 brandy balloons--the traditional tipple of generals.

Also on the list of acquisitions is 364 beer pitchers, 70 wine or spirits decanters, and 350 carafes.


Bottle Signing w/Dru Reshke of Koonara in Lafayette

Posted by rwailes on 2005-07-18 08:16:47 (5093 views)

Dru Reshke, Owner of Koonara Wines in Coonawarra, will be signing bottles of his Koonara "Cupra's Gift" Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon. This will take place on Wednesday, July 20, 2005, at Joey's located in Lafayette, LA, from 10:00am-1:00pm.


Cork Taint Affects 8% of Wine, Judges Find

Posted by perle0 on 2005-01-29 23:16:27 (4713 views)

At a wine show in Sydney, Australia, judges sampled 2161 different wines and kept track of the types of closures and incidence of cork taint (contamination with TCA).


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