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Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
Canned Wine Finds Favor in Japan

Posted by perle0 on 2005-05-14 00:11:02 (6006 views)

Barokes wine in a canIn 2002, Barokes Australia patented its design for wine in a can--the only patented canned wine in existence. And in a recent taste test, the Japanese gave it high marks.

This patented wine-in-a-can promises a shelf life of up to five years, so it's ready for cellaring. In the taste test among 3000 Japanese, only 5% said that they found it odd to drink wine from a can. No one complained about the quality, but a few did say it would take getting used to.

Barokes bubbly wine in a canJapan is a natural market for Australia, being closer than many other wine-drinking countries.

The wine can was inspired when Barokes's CEO was taking a bath while enjoying some wine. The bottle fell into the tub and almost broke. Naturally, his next thought was for a wine container that would make wine-drinking safe for the bath again.

The patented container system, Vinsafe, took them nine years to develop. The aluminum cans have a resin-based lining to safeguard the wine's taste and bouquet. Mmmm, resin. It does beat the taste of aluminum...just ask the Greeks. also comes in a bubbly version.

Read more details here.


Wine in the tub
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-05-14 15:06:16
Maybe the ceo should have created a positively boyant win container?
Canned Wine in Canada
Posted by Cindy on 2007-01-01 18:28:16
My friend in Canada had some canned Australian bubbly wine for New Years Eve and was less than impressed with the taste! She drank it straight from the can, but I wonder if it may have tasted better if she had poured it into a champagne flute first?

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